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Weekly Market Summary

Oct 7 to Oct 11, 2024

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Extra Credit*

  • The recent Chinese stimulus has had positive implications for U.S. credit. Excess spread for exposure to China has been range-bound at 0-2 basis points for every 10% of revenue exposure. Furthermore, only companies fully reliant on China trade at a discount. The most exposed tickers have outperformed the market, as companies with more than 75% of revenues coming from China (essentially Chinese names with USD debt) have outperformed the index by 5 basis points over the past few weeks.
  • The metals, tech, and autos sectors have the most exposure to China. A large portion of tech hardware and semiconductor sales booked in China are eventually exported to other countries, which mitigates some China exposure for the sector.
  • As the largest consumer of commodities, growth in China's economy has a well-established relationship with metals pricing and has historically driven credit spreads tighter. While metals prices have reacted to China's announcement and forward EBITDA/FCF estimates are likely to adjust upward over time, expectations are for a limited effect on credit spreads in the current environment. The investment-grade metals sector has significantly upgraded credit quality following several years of debt repayment.
  • Markets are aggressively pricing in rate cuts, and high-yield bond yields have tightened substantially as a result. The moves have been so pronounced that bank loans are now looking more attractive than bonds on a relative yield basis, even considering the seven to eight cuts priced in by the forward curve.
  • Relative value changes swiftly, however. Now, given how sharply the high-yield bond yield-to-worst has fallen amid the rate rally, the entry levels for high yield are looking less attractive, as the Treasury curve has already priced in further Fed easing. On a spot basis, bank loans are outyielding bonds by over 250 basis points. But even on a forward-curve adjusted basis, loans are outyielding bonds by over 80 basis points, the widest margin since 2022.
  • Bank-loan and high-yield bond default rates, excluding distressed exchanges, finished the month both at 1.18% for high-yield bonds and 0.98% for bank loans, down and up from 1.40% and 1.16% in the month prior. This is also well below the long-term historical default rate of 3% for loans and 3.4% for high yield, and the historical post-GFC default rates of 2.3% and 2.5%, respectively.

Sources: Bloomberg and JP Morgan as of 10/07/24.

Yield as of:
Oct 11, 2024
High-Yield Bonds
Investment-Grade Corporates
Last Week
Prior Week
Start of the Year
Option Adjusted Spread as of:
Oct 11, 2024
High-Yield Bonds
Investment-Grade Corporates
Last Week
294 bps
455 bps
77 bps
Prior Week
284 bps
460 bps
79 bps
Start of the Year
323 bps
501 bps
93 bps
Prices as of:
Oct 11, 2024
High-Yield Bonds
Investment-Grade Corporates
Last Week
Prior Week
Start of the Year

*Source: Morningstar®, Bloomberg, Credit Suisse. OAS is Options Adjusted Spread. 4-year discount margin is used for spread for bank loans. Yield quoted is yield-to-worst or equivalent calculation. YTD Low / High for yields are based on end of week and not intraday movements. Indexes and sub-indexes: Investment-grade corporates represented by Bloomberg US Corporate Bond Index. High-yield bonds represented by Bloomberg US Corporate High Yield Index. Bank loans represented by Credit Suisse Leverage Loan Index. The red and green arrows depicted under Yields, Option Adjusted Spreads, and Prices indicate a higher or lower value from the previous week.

Past performance does not guarantee future results. Index performance is not indicative of fund performance. Indexes are unmanaged and it is not possible to invest directly in an index.

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Foreside Financial Services, LLC, distributor.

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