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Form 1099 (DIV, INT, R, B)

General Information

What is the purpose of a 1099 form?

What are some the different kinds of 1099 forms?

When are the 1099 forms mailed?

Who receives a 1099 form?

Are 1099 forms available online?

Frequently Asked Questions

A 1099 form was not received or was misplaced. Can a copy be sent?

What are the reasons a 1099 form may not be sent?

Why was a 1099 form received if money was not withdrawn in the prior tax year?

Why were two 1099 forms sent?

What amount is reported as taxable?

What if a shareholder has a retirement account, is enrolled in a systematic withdrawal program, and turned 59½ last year? Will the shareholder receive two 1099-R forms?

Why was a 1099-R form sent if the distribution is part of a 72(t) distribution?

Will a 1099 be issued for a shareholder who passed away during the prior tax year?

What is the turnaround time for a corrected 1099?

How many IRA rollovers can I perform in a 12-month period?

Additional Information

What is the difference between a reportable and taxable distribution?

Types of transfers/rollovers

  • Transfer: A transfer of a qualified plan type to the same qualified plan type (i.e. IRA to IRA, TSA to TSA) without the shareholder taking receipt of funds.
  • Direct Rollover: A transfer of a qualified plan type between different plan types (i.e. 401(k) to IRA, TSA to IRA) without the shareholder taking receipt of funds.
  • Indirect Rollover: A distribution from a qualified plan type where the shareholder takes receipt of the funds and deposits the funds into another qualified plan type within 60 days.

Distribution codes

For specific information regarding distribution codes on your 1099, click one of the following to be directed to the IRS website:
Contact customer service at (844) 274-7885 to receive a copy of your 1099 via fax or mail.
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